Monday, May 28, 2012

San Jose Giants Baseball ~ May 28, 2012

Mark & I drove down to San Jose to watch the San Jose Giants vs. the Visalia Rawhide, a minor baseball game.

We had great seats, right behind home plate.
The tickets were only $16.

Instead of traditional ballpark food they had a big BBQ set up by a company 
called Turkey Mikes.  Mark had the giant turkey leg.

The stadium was wonderful.  It was built in 1942.

Visit with Mom ~ May 25 & 26, 2012

Mary Poppins at The Smith Center

The Smith Center was beautiful. 

After the show we went to the dinner at Primarily Prime Rib. Chris has this giant steak!

On Sunday we drove to Boulder City. We had lunch at the Boulder Dam Hotel.

I had this giant Shirley Temple in honor of Ms. Temple who 
lived in Boulder City when she was a child.

The Boulder City Veterans Cemetery was decorated for Memorial Day.

We had root beer floats from A&W. 

A nice view of Lake Mead.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Dinner on the Patio ~ May 2012

 Mark made his Noni's famous potatoes.

Kat just returned from the first practice with her 10U Stomper softball team. 
 They discussed coaching styles through most of dinner.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Feeding the Mustangs ~ May 2012

 It's been a long time since I used my Grandmothers rolling pin.  Today I made cookies for a team dinner we hosted at our house for Kat's high school softball team.

I also made peanut butter cup cookies & Bugle peanut chocolate treats.

The team.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Emily's Graduation Lunch ~May 11, 2012

Twenty for Chinese = plenty of food.

Kat with Sarah, Emily & Michelle plus the Seck cousins Tara, Garrett and Jenna